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In the context of climate changes that have occurred in the world in recent decades, it is of great importance to apply the results of scientific achievements and innovations in ensuring the dynamism of the food demand of each country.

Thanks to the achievements of scientists in plant genetics, breeding, physiology and other fields of science during the last 150 years, it has been possible to create more productive varieties that combine several useful traits in the same genotype. Scientific studies show that if we do not take into account the effect of various agrotechnical measures (soil preparation, sowing rate, sowing time, use of fertilizers, control of weeds, diseases and pests) on productivity, just the introduction of a newly created productive variety allows to increase the productivity by 10-52%. Therefore, the main direction of the Plant Breeding Center's activity is the creation of productive varieties with complex characteristics. Our goal:

Creation of high-yielding and high-quality varieties of agricultural crops (wheat, barley, corn, rye, triticale, peas, lentils, forage crops, etc.) considered a priority for the country, registration in the state register, organization of initial seed production of registered varieties (original, superelite and elite seed production) and to achieve widespread distribution, while at the same time creating competition towards the creation of varieties in the domestic market.


The Plant Breeding Center generally provides services in the following areas of activity:

Creation of productive varieties showing drought and salt tolerance (durability);
Creation of varieties showing tolerance (durability) to diseases and pests;
Creation of wheat varieties with high grain and baking quality;
Creation of durum wheat varieties for the pasta industry;
Creation of barley varieties with high fodder quality;
Creation of brewing barley varieties;
Creation of new varieties of fodder plants;
Organization of services and seminars in the field of primary seed production (production of original, super-elite and elite seeds);
Development of technological maps of cultivation of wheat, barley, rye, triticale, corn, peas, lentils, alfalfa plants in pivot and conventional irrigated areas and implementation of work on the technological map.
Conducting training for individuals and legal entities in the field of approval of cereals and legumes;
Providing training to individuals and legal entities in the field of cultivation technology of cereals and legumes;

 Currently, Plant Breeding Center is conducting scientific-research works in Bilasuvar and Guba regions in order to create new varieties of wheat and barley.

Garib Novruzlu

Deputy Director for Production of Agricultural ET Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Agrarian Sciences, Associate Professor
